"Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story" is an Indian crime drama web series based on the real-life events surrounding the securities scam of 1992 in India. It premiered on the streaming platform SonyLIV in October 2020. The series was directed by Hansal Mehta and produced by Applause Entertainment.
Here are some key details about the web series "Scam 1992":- Plot: "Scam 1992" is based on the life of Harshad Mehta, a stockbroker and the mastermind behind one of India's most notorious financial scams. The series follows Mehta's rise from a small-time broker to becoming a prominent player in the Indian stock market, manipulating the system and accumulating vast wealth. It explores the intricate web of corruption, manipulation, and greed that led to the stock market crash of 1992 and Mehta's subsequent downfall. Genre and theme: "Scam 1992" is a crime drama that explores the world of finance, securities scams, and the underbelly of the Indian stock market. It delves into themes of ambition, power, ethics, and the consequences of unchecked greed. Reception and popularity: "Scam 1992" received widespread critical acclaim and became highly popular among audiences. It was praised for its meticulous research, compelling storytelling, a...