"Asur" is an Indian web series that premiered on the streaming platform Voot Select in 2020. It is a crime thriller series created by Gaurav Shukla and directed by Oni Sen. The show features Arshad Warsi, Barun Sobti, Anupriya Goenka, Ridhi Dogra, and Sharib Hashmi in prominent roles.
Here are some key details about the web series "Asur":-
- Plot: "Asur" revolves around a forensic expert-turned-teacher, Dhananjay Rajpoot (played by Arshad Warsi), and his former mentor-turned-serial killer, Nikhil Nair (played by Barun Sobti). The story follows a cat-and-mouse game between these two brilliant minds as they delve into a series of mysterious and gruesome murders that appear to be inspired by ancient Indian mythological beliefs.
- Themes: The series explores various themes, including mythology, psychology, spirituality, and the complexities of human nature. It delves into the battle between good and evil, the dark side of human psychology, and the exploration of ancient knowledge and its relevance in the modern world.
- Reception: "Asur" received positive reviews from both audiences and critics for its gripping storyline, strong performances, and intriguing blend of crime and mythology. It gained popularity for its well-crafted narrative, atmospheric storytelling, and engaging characters.
- Season: "Asur" is a finite series with a total of eight episodes in its first season. Each episode has an average duration of approximately 40-45 minutes.
- Availability: "Asur" is exclusively available for streaming on Voot Select, which is a subscription-based streaming platform. Users with a Voot Select subscription can watch the entire series on the platform.
Please note that as an AI language model, my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been new developments or subsequent seasons of the web series since then.
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